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The organisation of the foreign language proficiency examinations for the summer examination session

General announcements: registration/exams

The University Council for the Certification of Language Proficiency issued a resolution regarding the organisation of the foreign language proficiency examinations for the summer examination session of the academic year 2019/2020. Unless a mandatory requirement for the student’s degree, it is recommended that students postpone taking the examination to the following academic year.

Online exams, e-mail addresses

General announcements: registration/exams

We remind all Institute students and staff that they must have a valid e-mail address in the university domain, and These addresses need to be used for all official correspondence, including term papers, home assignments, etc. Your official addresses will be crucial during the online exam session.

Office for Student Affairs working hours

Starting from May 26 the Office for Student Affairs will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00-12:00.


Due to the epidemic situation, in person contact will be possible after e-mail appointment - please describe your matter briefly to ....

Summer exam session 19/20

General announcements: registration/exams

The summer exam session schedule has been updated.

11th International Festival Between.Pomiędzy

We are honoured to announce a list of seven shows which will be available online for the seven days of the festival. Every show will be preceded by a short introduction presenting its creators.

Second Thoughts - first issue


Second Thoughts is an English language magazine created by our students. It’s concerned with broadly understood humanities and arts. Check out the first issue!

Additional publisher offers and trial access to databases

Science: library

SAGE Knowledge, Taylor & Francis eBooks

Beetween.Pomiędzy Festival 2020

Science: conferences

We imagined the festival rather differently last year when we chose its theme – Kosmopolis 2020. Nature, however, had other plans. It halted the driving rush of the everyday, reminding us how fragile a species we are. So today we have to deal with increasing numbers of restrictions, from all sides there is bad news, and we are assailed by images of widespread suffering and powerlessness.

New guidance for studying and working during coronavirus outbreak

General announcements

The University of Warsaw is continually monitoring the situation regarding the coronavirus pandemic. On 7th April, the UW rector issued the new orders on studying and working arrangements at the University of Warsaw. Measures brought in by UW aim to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among the UW community.

A message from the rector to the UW community

General announcements

In this video, dedicated to all students, doctoral candidates and employees of the university, Prof. Marcin Pałys, the Rector of the University of Warsaw talks about current and future challenges, and ways to cope with them.

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