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Open lectures

The Institute of English Studies regularly organizes lectures open to anyone willing to attend. Note: the language of the title reflects the original language of the lecture. These lectures are open to all who are willing to attend.

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New media in contemporary culture - updates and past recordings

Science: open lectures

New Media in Contemporary Culture is a series of hybrid lectures, meetings, and workshops led by renowned experts in the field of new media studies. It is organised on a monthly basis by dr. Bartosz Lutostański (Department of British Culture, University of Warsaw), a media and cultural scholar.

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Cykl wykładów: Meetings with the Psalms and Psalters

Science: open lectures

International scholars partake in a 9-part seminar series devoted to psalms. The event is free and open to all, but registration is required. Once registered, you will be sent an email with an invitation to the Zoom link for each session.

Royal Jubilees in the UK - a lecture by dr hab. Dorota Babilas

Science: open lectures

Czy Elżbieta II była najdłużej panującą monarchinią w historii świata? O ile wyprzedziła swoich poprzedników na brytyjskim tronie? Czy i w jaki sposób świętowano rocznice długoletniego panowania w UK.

The Reinvention of Victorian Business in Oliver Twist

Science: open lectures

Join us during the 1st guest lecture (hybrid mode - online/in the reading room at the Institute of English Studies,…

Shakespeare in Culture Colloquy: Focus on Performance

Science: open lectures
Science: workshops

The Shakespeare in Culture Research Group and the Cheerful Hamlets warmly invite you to a two-day lecture and workshop series on Shakespearean theatre adaptations, focusing on performance and production. Our guest lecturer is Professor Irwin Appel, University of California Santa Barbara.

Adam Dickinson, Artist's Talk and Lecture - 23.05, 18,00

Science: open lectures

Adam Dickinson is the author of four books of poetry. His latest book, Anatomic (Coach House Books), which won the Alanna Bondar Memorial Book Prize from the Association for Literature, Environment, and Culture in Canada, involves the results of chemical and microbial testing on his body. Venue: Dobra 55, room 3.014, Streaming on YouTube.

Two lectures by Simone Cinotto - Monday 23rd May

Science: open lectures

Join us on MONDAY, MAY 23rd

to hear two lectures by Simone Cinotto

Professor of Modern History  The University of…

Paweł Frelik - Frenzy of the Invisible, recording

Science: open lectures
General announcements: students

Exploring American Cinema

Science: open lectures

Ambasada U.S.A. i American Film Festival serdecznie zapraszają na wirtualne spotkanie z cyklu "Exploring American Cinema", z Kelley Kali i Angelique Molina, reżyserkami, scenarzystkami i producentkami nagrodzonego filmu I'm Fine (Thanks for Asking).

Noc Anglistów 26.11 - recordings

Science: open lectures

Here are the recordings of lectures prepared by IES for the Noc Anglistów festival.

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Lectures not included in the calendar:

  • 24.05.2019 "Putting topography in its place", prof. Stephen Daniels, FBA (University of Nottingham)
  • 24.05.2019 "Complex and mixed figures of thought and language", prof. Angeliki Athanasiadou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
  • 10.05.2019 "Levels of Reality", prof. Ronald W. Langacker (University of California)
  • 24.05.2018 (9.45-11.15, s. 131), "Emerson, Hawthorne, and History: Creation of the American Past", dr David Schlauffer (University of Silesia in Katowice)
  • 25.05.2018 (10.00-11.30, s. 113 (Library)), "Brechtian Dimensions in Eighteenth Century Theatre", Prof. Paddy Lyons (University of Glasgow)
  • 28.05.2018 (9.45-11.15, s. 132), "Shoot First, Ask Questions Later: Manifest Destiny from Samuel Champlain to Samuel Colt", Prof. Peter Swirski (University of Silesia in Katowice)
  • 05.06.2018 (12.00-13.30, s. 113 (Library)) "The Linguistic Mosaic of Scotland", prof. dr hab. Piotr Stalmaszczyk (University of Łódź)
  • 14.05.2018 (13.30-15.00, s. 335), "Samuel Beckett and "Border Thinking"", Prof. Nicholas Johnson (Trinity College Dublin)
  • 10.05.2018 (11.30-13.00, s. 335), "The Emergence of American Mass Cultures from the Spirit of Self-Help", Prof.Martin Klepper (Humboldt-Universität in Berlin)
  • 10.05.2018 (13.15-14.45, s. 335), "Different Polish Scotts. Some Notes on the Polish Reception of Sir Walter Scott", dr hab. Aleksandra Budrewicz (Pedagogical University of Cracow)
  • 20.04.2018 (10.00-11.00, s. 131), "Victorian Body Politics, Neo-Victorian Body Politics: The Contested Body of the Wife in Mid-Victorian Divorce Trials", Prof. Ann Heilmann (Cardiff Unviersity)
  • 24.04.2018 (14.00-15.30, s.113), "Cooking Recipe in Middle English", dr hab. Magdalena Bator (Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa)
  • 11.04.2018 (12.00-13.30, s.131), "Gender Roles and Generative Queerness in Tayie Selasi's Ghana Must Go" , Anna-Lena Oldehus, M.A. (Leibniz Universität Hannover) 
  • 06.03.2018 (12.00-13.30, s. 335), "Sex and Religion: The Paradox of Excess in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale", Dr. Sławomir Kuźnicki (Opole University)
  • 13.03.2018 (10.00-11.30, Library, s. 113), "Wykład "Valerius Maximus (1st c. A.D.)  and Heinrich Von Mügeln (c. 1319-1380) Translating Classical Exempla Into The Vernacular", Prof. Nine Miedema (University of Saarbrücken)
  •  17.01.2018 (12.00-13.30, s. 335), "Daughterlands: dialogues in contemporary Scotish women's poetry", Prof. Glenda Norquay (Liverpool Joh Moores University)
  • 17.01.2018 (14.00-15.30, s. 335), "O perełkach i obdartych śmieciach, czyli niemieckojęzycznych rękopisach z dawnej Biblioteki Załuskich (1747 -1795) w zbiorach Biblioteki Narodowej", dr hab. Anna Just (University of Warsaw)
  • 8.12.2017 (10.00-11.30, s. 335), "Scotland in the Face of Brexit: Between the UK's Rock and the EU's Hard Place", dr Przemysław Biskup (The Polish Insitute of International Affairs)
  • 7.12.2017 (13.15-14.45, s. 335), “Toward a general theory of  image-text relations in the op-ed genre”,  Dr. Ahmed Abdelraheem (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin)
  • 23.11.2017 (13.15-14.45, s. 335), “A cognitive-pragmatic theory ofvisual and multimodal humor”, Dr. Ahmed Abdelraheem (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin)
  • 15.11.2017 (12.00-13.30, s. 335), "What do grammaticality judgment tasks measure? Insights from bilingualism", Professor Eve Zyzik (University of California)
  • 20.10.2017 (17.00, s. 335), "The Religion of Unity and the Unity of Religion: Remembering the Baha'i Faith and Baha'u'llah on the Occassion of the Bicentenary of his Birth", dr Kishan Manocha, Senior Advisor on Freedom of Religion and Belief at the OSCE, with an introduction by dr Marek Szopski (UW) "The Sociological Perspective on Religious Innovation: Rodney Stark & William S. Bainbridge on the Future of Religion"
  • 18.10.2017 (10.00-12.00, s. 335), "Affect and Awareness: James Baldwin", dr Marta Figlerowicz (Yale University)
  • 16.05.2017 (14.00-15.30, s. 335), "The Irish Rebel and the Polish Playwright: Contance and Kazimierz Markiewicz in 1917", Patrick Quigley (Irish writer and independent scholar)
  • 17.05.2017 (10.00-11.30, s.335), ""On the diachronic semantics of pope – from a medieval bishop of Rome to a pest of grain crops and a drink of mulled wine", dr Sylwester Łodej (University in Kielce)
  • 19.05.2017 (10:00-11:30, s. 335), "Of Time and the City: Sherlock Holmes and the Strand Magazine, 1891-1930", Dr Jonathan Cranfield (Liverpool John Moores University)
  • 23.05.2017 (12.00-13.30, s. 335), "The Canadian Federation: A Political Economy Analysis of its Challenges', Prof. François Vaillancourt (Université de Montréal)
  • 27.04.2017 (11.30-13.00), s. 335  "Pragmatics and humorous communication", prof. Francisco Yus, (University of Alicante)
  • 26.04.2017 (10.00-11.30, s. 335). "English binomials: structure and history", prof. Hans Sauer (University of Munich)
  • 21.04.2017 (12.00-13.30, s. 335), "Toward Methodological and Conceptual Foundations of Audiovisual Translation Studies", prof. dr hab. Łukasz Bogucki (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
  • 06.04.2017 (13.15-14.45, s. 335), "Walter Scott: National and International Writer", prof. Jorge Bastos da Silva (University of Porto)
  • 24.03.2017 (14.00-15.30, s. 335), "Rewriting Duality in the Contemporary Scottish Novel", dr Ewa Szymańska-Sabala (University of Warsaw)
  • 18.01.2017 (14.00-15.30, sala 335) - "Novel metaphor and creative cognition: insights from electrophysiological data", Dr Karolina Rataj, Adam Mickiewicz University
  • 25.11.2016 (10.00-11.00, sala 131) - "Mystery and an Unknown Fear: Gothic Interventions from Ann Radcliffe to Dickens, and Opera", Prof. Jeremy Tambling
  • 24.11.2016 (13.15 - 14.45, sala 335) - "The Literature of the Orkney Islands. George Mackay Brown and Others", dr Halszka Leleń, University of Warmia and Mazury
  • 23.11.2016 - "Św. Tomasz z Akwinu – dziecię (XIII) wieku", Dr Paweł Krupa OP (Instytut Tomistyczny, Warszawa
  • 4.11.2016 - "Hamlet and the Madness of the World", Octavian Saiu
  • 3.11.2016 - Dr Jarlath Killeen, Trinity College Dublin
  • 8.06.2016 (10.00-11.30, sala 335) - "The Devil's Mark, Black Toads and Magic Storms: King James and Witchcraft" Dr hab. Paweł Rutkowski, University of Warsaw
  • 20.05.2016 (10.00, sala 131) - "The Black Page. Laurence Sterne, Tristram Shandy, and the Visual". Professor Peter de Voogd, University of Utrecht
  • 17.05.2016 - "Music, Metricity and Memory: The Medieval Meets the Modern in the Scottish Psalter". Prof. Magda Charzyńska-Wójcik, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
  • 13.05.2016 - On the Philosophy of Giordano Bruno. Prof. Dillwyn Knox, University College London
  • 13.05.2016 - "Na tropach staropolskiej grafii: Kazania Świętokrzyskie, Psałterz floriański, Psałterz puławski", Dr Izabela Winiarska-Górska,historyk języka na Wydziale Polonistyki UW
  • 28.04.2016 (16.00 BUW, ul. Dobra 56/66, sala 316 - Aula) - "How We Make Meaning". Prof. Barbara Dancygier, University of British Columbia in Vancouver
  • 27.04.2016 - "Viewpoint in Language". Prof. Barbara Dancygier, University of British Columbia in Vancouver.
  • 19.04.2016 - "Futhark. Mysteries and history of the runic alphabet". Dr hab. Dominika Skrzypek, Adam Mickiewicz University
  • 5.04.2016 "On the Usefulness of Auteur Theory in the Study of the Western", dr Matthew Carter, Manchester Metropolitan University
  • 9.03.2016 "What Is the Graphic Novel and Why Do We Need It?" - Marek Oziewicz, University of Minnesota.
  • 10.03.2016 "Victorian Philosophies of Furniture" - Prof. Jeremy Tambling
  • 11.03.2016 "Królowie, którzy stworzyli Anglię. Od Alfreda Wielkiego do Edgara" - Dr Aleksandra Czapelska, Biblioteka Instytutu Historii PAN
  • 17.03.2016 "The home /we only half possess": Home, Habitat, and Dwelling in Contemporary Scottish Poetry" - Dr Monika Szuba, University of Gdańsk
  • 4.03.2016 "Mark Twain's Brand: Turning Comic Capital into Gold" - Dr. Judith Yaross Lee, Ohio State University. 
  • 3.03.2016, “Hiram Maxim and the Industrialization of Death” - Dr Joseph W. Slade, Ohio University
  • 15.01.2016 "Saskie początki na Wyspie i na Kontynencie we wczesnośredniowiecznych przekazach narracyjnych” - profesor Jacek Banaszkiewicz, historyk-mediewista, profesor w IH PAN, kierownik Zakładu Historii Powszechnej Średniowiecznej w IH UMCS w Lublinie
  • 10.12.2015 - “The Anatomy of Two Medieval Texts: False Facts and Factual Frauds” - dr hab. Magdalena Charzyńska-Wójcik, Katedra Historii Języka Angielskiego i Translatoryki, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
  • 18.11.2015 r. - „Renesans karoliński i Anglosasi” – prof. Roman Michałowski, historyk mediewista z Zakładu Historii Studiów Średniowiecznych w Instytucie Historycznym UW
  • 16.10.2015 r. - "Creative pictorial and multimodal metaphor in print advertising and cartoons" - Profesor Charles Forceville, University of Amsterdam
  • 20.05.2015 r. - "Beyond National Identity - A Scottish Perspective at a Time of Change" - Martin Stepek
  • 18.05.2015 r. - "From Floral Heights to Revolutionary Road: American Suburbia in Literature and Film" - Dr. Jiří Flajšar, Palacký University, Olomouc
  • 25.02.2015 r. - "The U.S. Civil Rights Movement through the Performing and Visual Arts" - Profesor Robert Bond
  • 18.09.2014 r. - "Aspects of Language Differ in their Accessibility to Consciousness" - Profesor Leonard Talmy,  State University of New York at Buffalo
  • 17.05.2014 r. - "How to Build an English Clause" - Profesor Ronald W. Langacker, University of California at San Diego