prof. ucz. dr hab. Anna Cetera-Włodarczyk

Deparment of British Literature

associate professor

Room number: 2.245


  Office hours: Winter semester 22/23
Tuesday 10.00-11.30 - by e-mail appointment,
possible online meeting (Zoom, Meet)
prof. ucz. dr hab. Anna Cetera-Włodarczyk


M.A. in English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań,1994

B.A. in History of European Culture, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, 1995

Ph.D. in English Literature, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, 1998

D. Litt. in English Literature, University of Warsaw, 2010

Research interests and projects

  • Shakespeare studies: interpretations, translations, theatre and film
  • Renaissance literature and culture
  • Semiotics of drama and theatre
  • Literary translation: theory, practice, criticism
  • Reception and comparative studies

PhD supervision

James Dale, Incognitos: Shakespeare’s Uses of Disguise in the Light of New Historicism and Its Legacy

Alicja Kosim, Shakespeare on the Edges: Translating the Bard in the Multicultural Space of the 19th-century Polish Borderlands. Placyd Jankowski (1810–1872): A Case Study

Sabina Laskowska-Hinz, The image of it gives me content already: The Critical Interpretations of Polish Theatrical Posters for Shakespeare Productions in the Years 1966-1989. A Study of Motives and Approaches

Selected publications


Critical editions of translations 

  • Shakespeare, William. (2023), P. Kamiński (trans.), A. Cetera-Włodarczyk (ed.), Ryszard II  [Richard II] Critical edition. Warsaw: WUW. (2nd ed. revised) 
  • Shakespeare, William. (2022), P. Kamiński (trans.), A. Cetera-Włodarczyk (ed.), Burza [The Tempest] Critical edition. Warsaw: WUW. (2nd ed. revised) 
  • Shakespeare, William. (2022), P. Kamiński (trans.), A. Cetera-Włodarczyk (ed.), Makbet [Macbeth] Critical edition. Warsaw: WUW. (2nd ed. revised) 
  • Shakespeare, W. (2021), P. Kamiński (trans.), A. Cetera-Włodarczyk (ed..), Kupiec wenecki. [The Merchant of Venice] Critical edition. Warsaw: WUW. (2nd ed., revised)
  • Shakespeare, W. (2015), P. Kamiński (trans.), A. Cetera (ed.), Kupiec wenecki [The Merchant of Venice]. Warsaw: W.A.B.
  • Shakespeare, W. (2014), P. Kamiński (trans.), A. Cetera (ed.), Opowieść zimowa [The Winter's Tale]. Warszawa: W.A.B.
  • Shakespeare, W. (2012), P. Kamiński (trans.), A. Cetera (ed.), Burza [The Tempest]. Warsaw: W.A.B.
  • Shakespeare, W. (2011), P. Kamiński (trans.), A. Cetera (ed.), Wieczór Trzech Króli [Twelfth Night]. Warsaw: W.A.B.
  • Shakespeare, William. (2011), P. Kamiński (trans.), A. Cetera (ed.), Makbet [Macbeth]. Warszawa: W.A.B.
  • Shakespeare, W. (2009), P. Kamiński (trans.), A. Cetera (ed.), Ryszard II [King Richard the Second]. Warsaw University Press.

Articles and chapters (2013 - )


  • Cetera-Włodarczyk, A., Jonathan Hope, Jarosław Włodarczyk (2021) “Unsphered, Disorbed, Decentred: Shakespeare’s Astronomical Imagination”, Shakespeare, vol. 17, issue 4, 400-427, DOI: 10.1080/17450918.2021.1968478
  • Cetera-Włodarczyk, A. (2021), ”The e-Repository of Polish Shakespeare Translations. A New Research Environment for Studying Drama Translation”, in: Magda Heydel, Zofia Zimann (eds.),  Retracing the History of Literary Translation in Poland. People, Politics, Poetics, New York: Routledge, 229-246.
  • Cetera-Włodarczyk, A. (2021). “No profit but the name: The Polish reception of Shakespeare’s plays”, in: Janet Clare, Dominique Goy-Blanquet (eds.), Migrating Shakespeare: First European Encounters, Routes and Networks, The Arden Shakespeare: Bloomsbury, 145-166. 
  • Cetera-Włodarczyk, A. (2021), “Shakespeare in purgatory: (re)writing the history of the post-war reception”, Theatralia, vol. 24, special issue, 17-32.
  • Cetera-Włodarczyk, A. (2020), “The Gates of the Day: Shakespeare in the Post-Holocaust Poetry and Translation of Roman Brandstaetter”, in: Mădălina Nicolaescu, Oana-Alis Zaharia, Andrei Nae (eds.), Perspectives on Shakespeare in Europe’s Borderlands, Bucharest: The University of Bucharest Press, 105-126.
  • Cetera-Włodarczyk, A., Jesús Tronch,  Pavel Drábek, Boris Gaydin, Vladimir Makarov, Beatrice Montorfano, Sara Soncini, Nikolay Zakharov (2019) “National e-resources of Shakespeare translations in Europe: (Dis)assembling the back box," Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies, 1-13. 
  • Cetera-Włodarczyk, A. (2018) “Unruly Fidelity: Shakespearean Hybrids and the Translators’ Agon”, Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies, 1-13.
  • Cetera-Włodarczyk, A., Włodarczyk J. (2017) „Digging (up) the Bard”, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 48(3), 372-375. 
  • Cetera-Włodarczyk, A., Włodarczyk J. (2017) „Niech się połączą niebiosa i ziemia…”: W poszukiwaniu (nowej) astronomii w Antoniuszu i Kleopatrze Williama Shakespeare’a”, Poznańskie Studia Filologiczne, Seria Literacka 31 (51), 23-46. 
  • Cetera, A. (2016). “Translating Shakespeare for performance”, in: Bruce R. Smith (ed.), The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016, vol. II, 1375-1379.
  • Cetera-Włodarczyk, A. (2016). "Jaki ty dobry mój Józiu … że tak gardłujesz za Szekspirem: czyli o narodzinach polskiej szekspirologii”, Волинь-Житомирщина. Історико-філологічнийзбірник. зрегіональнихпроблем, 27, 405-412.
  • Cetera-Włodarczyk, A. (2016). "I see it in my motion, I have it not in my tongue: The Slavic Sounds of Shakespeare Translations”, Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies, 25/3, 119-131.
  • Cetera, A. (2014) "(Re)touching: Shakespeare and Cinematic War Narratives", in: M. Prochazka, M. Dobson, A. Höfele i H. Scolnicov (eds.), Proceedings of the World Shakespeare Congress, Prague 2011. Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.
  • Cetera, A. (2013). And by opposing end them: The Rhetoric of Translators’ Polemics, in: C. Dente and S. Soncini (eds.), Shakespeare and Conflict: A European Perspective. Palgrave Shakespeare Studies.

Older publications can be found on the complete list in PBN



(2013 - )

  • The ESRA Conference, “Then fate o’erruled”: Change in Shakespeare, Budapest 2023 (seminar (with Jesús Tronch): Shakespeare (Re)Translations: A Field of Innovation and Transgression
  • The International Circulation and Translation of Shakespeare Criticism Conference,  Leuven 2023
  • Brno Theatralia Conference, Crossing Borders with Shakespeare since 1945: Central and Eastern European Roots and Routes, Brno 2023 (panel speaker: Media crossings/translations with Shakespeare) 
  • I Polish Translation Studies Congress, Jagiellonian University, Kraków 2022 (panel moderator: Shakespeare translations: resources, strategies, typologies) 
  • The Eleventh World Shakespeare Congress [Virtual], Singapure 2021. 
  • The ESRA Virtual Conference, ‘The art itself is nature’: Shakespeare’s Nature, Art, Politics, Athens 2021 (panel leader: Nature Methodized: Digital Shakespeare Across Europe)
  • English Theatre Culture 1660-1737 Symposium, Masaryk University in Brno, 2020.
  • Światy nierównoległe. Literatura wobec astronomii, Instytut Filologii Polskiej i Obserwatorium Astronomiczne Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Instytut Historii Nauki PAN w Warszawie, Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk, 2020.
  • Shakespeare in Central Europe after 1989: Common Heritage and Regional Identity, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, 2019. 
  • Look upon those years’ / Shakespeare: Iron Curtain up” International Conference, Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, 2019.
  • Shakespeare in Changing Cultural Paradigms. International Symposium. Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, 2018.
  • The Circulation of Shakespeare's Plays in Europe's Borderland Conference, University of Bucharest, 2018.
  • Staging the Literary Translator. Roles, Identities, Personalities, University of Vienna, Center for Translation Studies, 2018. 
  • Shakespeare's English Goes Digital: Texts, Tools, Methods, Sapienza Università di Roma, 2018 (invited speaker).
  • IASIS Workshop, Retracing the History of Literary Translation: New Ares and Methods of Research in the Polish Context, UJ Kraków, 2017.
  • The ESRA Conference, Shakespeare and European Theatrical Cultures: AnAtomizing Text and Stage, Gdańsk 2017 (panel leader: National Repositories of Shakespeare Translations: (Dis)assembling the Black Box).
  • The Tenth World Shakespeare Congress. Stratford-upon-Avon – London, 2016.
  • Konferencja „Przekład literacki dzisiaj i jutro”, Faculty of Applied Linguistics, Warsaw University (panel leader), 2016.  
  • Shakespeare and the Idea of the Authority of Performance in Polish Theatre, Międzynarodowe Centrum Badań Szekspirowskich, Wydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politologicznych Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2016. 
  • Discovering Shakespeare and His World Symposium, College of Europe, Natolin, 2016. (invited speaker).
  • The ESRA Conference, Shakespeare and Myth, Montpellier, 2013 (seminar co-leader: Translating Myths and Mythologizing Translation).



Member of the Academic Council for Literary Studies (2019-2020, 2021-2024)

Vice-Dean for Faculty Advancement and Promotion, Faculty of Modern Languages (2020-)