prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Górska

Department of the English Language

full professor

Room number: 3.223

Phone: +48 (22) 5531416

email:żbietaGórska profile

  Office hours: Summer term 2022/23
By e-mail appointment:
Wednesdays 11.30 -12.15; Thursdays 10.30-11.15, room 3.223.
prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Górska


M.A., University of Warsaw, 1978

Ph.D., Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 1987

Assistant Professor, 1987

Associate Professor, 2000

Professor, 2006

Full Professor, 2021

Research interests and projects

Cognitive Linguistics: 

  • metonymy
  • metaphor
  • multimodal metaphors
  • linguistic coding of concepts in cross-cultural perspective
  • lexicalization patterns (verbs of motion, verbs of perception)
  • part-whole relations
  • theory of cognitive grammar
  • cognitive morphology
  • grammaticalization
  • lexical semantics
  • morphology of English
  • theory of morphology

PhD supervision

Agata Kochańska: “Selected Issues in the Semantics of the Polish Imperfective. A Cognitive Grammar Account”  (2002) 

Urszula Chybowska: "The Role of the Hearer in the Directive Speech Act. A Cognitive Study" (2005)

Emilia Królak: "Fictive Interaction: Its Functions and Usage in Discourse. A Cognitive Study" (2009)

Kinga Rudnicka: "Transitivity as a Construal Phenomenon. A Cognitive Study" (2010)

Joanna Łozińska-Bastek: „Dynamic Senses of Selected Prepositions in the Acquisition of Polish. A Cognitive Study” (2010)

Agnieszka Piórkowska: "On the Margins of the Modality Category: The Case of Boulomaic Modality. A Cognitive Study" (2011)

Magdalena Rybarczyk: "Dynamics of Nominal Reference in Discourse. A Cognitive Study of Implicit Interpersonal Relations" (2012); the dissertation was expanded into a research monograph entitled Demonstratives and Possessives with Attitude: An intersubjectively-oriented empirical study, published in 2015 by John Benjamins Publishing Company. 

Daniel Karczewski: “Genericity in Language and Thought. A Cognitive Study” (2013), Award of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association for the Best Ph.D. dissertation in Cognitive Linguistics in 2013.
Karczewski, D. 2016. Generyczność w języku i w myśleniu Studium kognitywne. Kraków: Universitas.

Joanna Marhula: "Metaphor in Spoken Discourse. Towards Characterization of Tuning Devices in Radio Talk. A Case Study of BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour" (2015). Award of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association for the Best Ph.D. dissertation in Cognitive Linguistics in 2015.

Maciej Rosiński: "Metaphor activation in multimodal discourse. Case studies on the emergence of geometrical concepts" (2018); Award of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association for the Best Ph.D. dissertation in Cognitive Linguistics in 2018.

Dorota Dąbrowska: "Metaphor and metonymy in multimodal discourse. Case studies of selected artworks by Magdalena Abakanowicz and satirical cartoons by Paweł Kuczyński" (24 lutego 2019).

Selected publications

  • Górska, E. (2021). Analysing language and multimodal discourse by means of the NEAR-FAR image schema. Prace Filologiczne, 76, 129–150.

  • (Górska, E. 2020b). Understanding Abstract Concepts across Modes in Multimodal Discourse. A Cognitive Linguistic Approach. [Routledge Focus Series]. London & New York: Routledge.

  • Górska, E. (2020a). From music to language and back. In M. Deckert, M. Kocot, and A. Majdzińska-Koczorowicz (Eds.). 2020. Moving between Modes. Papers in Intersemiotic Translation. In Memoriam Professor Alina Kwiatkowska (pp. 173-190). [reprinted from LaMiCuS 2, 82–100.] Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.

  • Górska, E. (2019). Spatialization of abstract concepts in cartoons. A case study of verbo-pictorial image-schematic metaphors. In Navarro i Ferrando I. (Ed.), Current Approaches to Metaphor Analysis in Discourse [Series: Applications of Cognitive Linguistics [ACL] 39] (pp. 279-294). Berlin & New York: De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Górska, E. (2018b). From music to language and back. LaMiCuS [Language Mind Culture and Society, an e-journal of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association] 2, 82–100.
  • Górska, E. (2018a). “A multimodal portrait of WISDOM and STUPIDITY. A case study of image-schematic metaphors in cartoons”. In R. Augustyn and A. Mierzwińska-Hajnos (eds.). New Insights into the Language and Cognition Interface. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 98-117.
  • Górska, E. (2017b). The PATH schema in verbo-pictorial aphorisms on life. In: P. Łozowski & A. Głaz (Eds.),  The Route Sixty-Six:From Deep Structures to Surface Meanings. A Festschrift for Henryk Kardela on his 66th Birthday (pp. 219–235). Lublin: Wydawnictwa UMCS.
  • Górska, E. (2017a). Text-image relations in cartoons. A case study of image schematic metaphors. Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, 134(3) [Special Issue: Cognitive Linguistics], 219–228. doi:10.4467/20834624SL.17.015.7089
  • Górska, E. (2014b). Why are multimodal metaphors interesting? The perspective of verbo-visual and verbo-musical modalities. In M. Kuźniak, Libura, A.  & M. Szawerna (Eds.), From Conceptual Metaphor Theory to Cognitive EthnolinguisticsPatterns of Imagery in Language (pp. 17-36). Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang.
  • Górska, E. (2014a). Dynamiczne podejście do metafory. Prace Filologiczne 64(2), 109-122.
  • Górska, E. (2010). LIFE IS MUSIC: A case study of a novel metaphor and its use in discourse.  English Text Construction,3/2 (Special Issue: Textual choices and discourse genres: Creating meaning through form, edited by B. Dancygier & J. Sanders), 275-293. [Reprinted in B. Dancygier, J. Sanders & L. Vandelanotte (Eds.). (2012). Textual choices and discourse. A view from cognitive linguistics (pp. 137-155). Amsterdam: Benjamins.]
  • Górska, E. (2009). On the diversity of linguistic evidence for conceptual metaphor. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, 45(2), 81-1.
  • Górska, E. (2008). Four arguments for patterns of metaphorical thought. Acta Philologica, 35, 15-31. 
  • Górska, E. (2007). The reference-point ability and the English noun part and its cognates. In W. Chłopicki, A. Pawelec & A. Pokojska (Eds.), Cognition in Language: Essays in Honour of Professor Elżbieta Tabakowska (pp. 107-128). Kraków: Tertium.
  • Górska, E., & Radden G. (Eds.). (2005). Metonymy-Metaphor Collage, Warsaw: Warsaw University Press.
  • Górska, E. (2004). Reference-point organization of collections. In B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk & A. Kwiatkowska (Eds.), Imagery in Language. Festschrift In Honour of Professor Ronald W. Langacker (pp. 259-267). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  • Górska, E. (2002c). The level of specificity of part terms and their function and usage. In B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk & K. Turewicz (Eds.), Cognitive Linguistics Today (pp. 501-515).Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  • Górska, E. (2002b). On partonomy and taxonomy. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia,39,103-111.
  • Górska, E. (2002a). Alternate construals, iconicity, and grounding: The case of nominals with the noun part. Folia Linguistica,36(3-4), 313-334.
  • Górska, E. (2001c). The approach of cognitive grammar to the part-whole relation. Anglica, 11, 85-99.
  • Górska, E. (2001b). Recent derivatives with the suffix -less: A change in progress within the category of English privative adjectives? Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, 36, 189-202.
  • Górska, E. (2001a). O znaczeniu wyrażeń językowych w ujęciu gramatyki kognitywnej. Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia, 3, 57-67.
  • Górska, E. (2000). What’s ‘cognitive’ about cognitive grammar? Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny,47(3), 269-279.
  • Górska, E. (1999). On Parts and Wholes. A Cognitive Study of English Schematic Part Terms. Warsaw: Warsaw University.
  • Górska, E. (1997). The approach of relation element theory to meronymy. Acta Philologica, 24, 89-112.
  • Górska, E. (1995). Possession frame in word derivation: A case of English privative adjectives. In G. Persson & H. Kardela (Eds.), New trends in Semantics and Lexicography (pp. 35-51). Umeå: Acta Universitatis.
  • Górska, E. (1994). Moonless nights and smoke-free cities, or what can be without what? A cognitive study of privative adjectives in English. Folia Linguistica, 28/(3-4), 413-435.
  • Górska, E. (Ed.). (1993). Images from the Cognitive Scene, Kraków: Universitas.

Older publications can be found on the complete list in PBN



Guest lectures and plenary talks:

  • “Angielskie przymiotniki prywatywne w ujęciu gramatyki kognitywnej”, guest lecture, Pracownia Semantyki Wypowiedzi, Jagiellonian University , 18 November 1993.
  • “Possession frame in word derivation: A case of English privative adjectives”,  guest lecture, University of California, San Diego, U.S.A., 23 November,1995.
  • “The approach of cognitive grammar to morphology: An analysis of English privative adjective”, guest lecture, University of Tokyo, Komaba, Japan, 11 March1998.
  • “Approaches to part-whole relations”, two guest lectures, University of Tokyo, Komaba, Japan, 17 –18 March 1998.
  • “Alternate construal, iconicity and grounding: The case of nominals with the noun part”, guest lecture, Hamburg University, Germany, 7 November2000.
  • “Cognitive morphology: A case of English privative adjectives”, guest lecture, Hamburg University, Germany, 8 November 2000.
  • “In search of evidence for metaphorical reasoning”, guest lecture, , Hamburg University, Germany, 17 June 2010.
  • “Why are multimodal metaphors interesting? The perspective of verbo-visual and verbo-musical modalities”, plenary lecture, Conference of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association: Cognitive Linguistics in 2012, Wrocław, 17 September 2012.
  • “From music to language and back”, plenary lecture, Intersemiotic Translation, Łódź, 26 September 2013.
  • “Image schemas as tools of analysis of grammar, lexicon, and multimodal discourse. A cognitive linguistics approach”, plenary lecture, Workshop  Transdisciplinary research on language, culture and society (ENGHUM project: “Engaged humanities in Europe: Capacity building for participatory research in linguistic-cultural heritage”), University of Warsaw, Faculty of Artes Liberales, 6 February 2018.
  • “Analysing language and multimodal discourse by means of the near/far image schema”, plenary lecture, Warsaw Multimodality Workshop and Masterclass, University of Warsaw 8June , 2018.
  • “A case study of intermodal translation: From music to language and back”, International Workshop – Tracing the Agency of Sound, lecture distributed in an e-version for the panel on “Agency of Sound in Language and Thought”, University of Bern,  Bern, Switzerland, 8 February 2019.


Research Grants/Scholarships

  • State University of New York at Stony Brook, U.S.A., 1983/84, ten months research grant.
  • University of Cambridge, England, August/September 1989, Cambridge Hospitality Scheme for Polish Scholars.
  • University of Cologne, Germany, August/September 1992, Heinrich-Hertz Stiftung Scholarship.
  • University of California, San Diego, U.S.A., 1995/1996, ten month Fulbright grant.
  • University of Tokyo, Komaba, Japan, March 1998, scholarship of the Japanese Ministry of Education.
  • Grants for Scientific Achievements of Rector of the University of Warsaw: 2000/2001 (12 months); 2001/2002 (12 months); 2003 (12 months).
  • Hamburg University, Germany, short term visits in November 2000, June 2002, May 2004, June 2008, June 2010, as part of a long-term co-operation with the Institut  für Anglistik und Amerikanistik – 1993 – present.

Professional Society Memberships:

  • International Cognitive Linguistics Association:  1993 – present
  • Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association: 2000 - present
  • Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association: 2001 – present (founding member)
    • vice-President: 2009-2010.
    • Scientific Committee Member (Secretary): 2013 – 2015
    • Chair of the Scientific Committee: 2015 – 2019.

Conference Board Memberships:

  • 8th  International Conference of Cognitive Linguistics, La Rioja, Spain, 2003, (Scientific Committee)
  • 10th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Kraków,  Poland, 2007, (Organizing Committee)
  • 3rd International Seminar on Metaphor and Discourse,  Castelló de la Plana, Spain, 2011 (Scientific Committee)
  • Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association Conference, Wrocław, 2012 (Scientific Committee)
  • 12th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Edmonton, Canada, 2013 (Scientific Committee)
  • 4th RaAM Seminar (Researching and Applying Metaphor), Poznań, Poland, 2013, (Scientific Committee)
  • 13th International Cognitive Linguistic Conference, Newcastle, England, 2015  (Scientific Committee)
  • Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association Conference, Lublin, 2015 (Scientific Committee)
  • 4th International Seminar on Metaphor and Discourse,  Castelló de la Plana, Spain 2015 (Scientific Committee)
  • Conference of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association: "Cognitive Linguistics in 2016", Olsztyn, 22-24 September, 2016 (Scientific Committee)
  • 3rd Conference on Figurative Thought and Language, Osijek (Croatia), 26-28 April, 2017 (Scientific Committee)
  • 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Tartu, Estonia, 10-14 July, 2017 (Scientific Committee)
  • Conference of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association: "Cognitive Linguistics in 2017", Rzeszów, 21-23 September, 2017 (Scientific Committee)
  • Warsaw Multimodality Workshop and Masterclass, University of Warsaw, 7-9 June, 2018 (co-organizer, with Charles Forceville, University of Amsterdam, of this conference)
  • Conference of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association: "Cognitive Linguistics in 2018", Poznań, 24-26 September 2018 ((Scientific Committee; co-organizer, with Michał Szawerna, University of Wrocław, and Charles Forceville, University of Amsterdam, of the theme session on "Cartoons & comics")
  • 4th International Conference on Figurative Thought and Language, Braga, Portugal, 23-26 October 2018 (Scientific Committee)
  • 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Nishinomiya, Japan, 6-11 August, 2019, (Scientific Committee)
  • Conference of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association: "Cognitive Linguistics in 2019", Białystok, 26-28 September 2019 (Scientific Committee)
  • Figurative Thought and Language5, Sofia, Bulgaria, 23-25 April 2020 (Scientific Committee)
  • Theoretical and Analytical Multimodality Studies 2021, online conference, Wroclaw, Poland,  9th-10th December 2021 (Advisory Committee)
  • 6th International Conference on Figurative Thought and Language, Dynamicity, Schematicity and Variation in Figurative Thought and Language,  Poznań, Poland, April 20-24 2022 (Scientific Committee)
  • 15th Researching and Applying Metaphor Conference,  Bialystok, Poland, 21-24 September 2022 (Programme Committee). (Komitet Programowy)
  • 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference,  Buenos Aires, Argentina, rescheduled for July 2023 (Scientific Committee)

Publication Board Memberships:

  • Review of Cognitive Linguistics (till 2009: Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics), Advisory Board,  2003 – present
  • Journal of Cognitive Science, a journal of the Cognitive Science Society of Korea,  Group of Experts, 2012.
  • Jezikoslovlje, Board of Consulting Editors,  2002 – present
  • Human Cognitive Processing, a series published by John Benjamins, Editorial Advisory Board, 2010 – present