prof. ucz. dr hab. Justyna Wierzchowska

Department of North American Cultures and Literatures

associate professor

Room number: 231

Phone: +48 (22) 553 14 24


prof. ucz. dr hab. Justyna Wierzchowska


Ph.D. habilitowany, Faculty of Modern Languages, 2019

Ph.D., Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw, 2008

M.A., Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, 2001

M.A., Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw, 2000

Research interests and projects

  • American studies
  • Contemporary visual art
  • History of American art
  • Philosophy
  • Popular culture
  • Feminist studies
  • Gender and queer studies
  • Motherhood studies
  • Psychoanalysis
  • Affect theory

Selected publications


Wierzchowska, J. (2022). „Intymne jest polityczne: Znaczenie funkcji macierzyńskiej dla praktyki akademickiej i społecznej” [The Intimate is Political: The Significance of the Mothering Function for the Academic and Social Practice]. In K. Bojarska, A. Chromik, N. Giemza, M. Topolski (Eds.). Macierz/Matrix. (pp. 107-116). Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press.

Wierzchowska, J. (2021). “Creating Together an ‘Unexpected Home’: Navigating the Matrixial Borderspace in Mary Kelly’s Post-Partum Document (1973–79).” In V. Baisnée-Keay, N. Alexoae-Zagni, C. Bigot, S. Genty, C. Bazin (Eds.). Text and Image in Women's Life Writing: Picturing the Female Self.  (pp. 259-278). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Wierzchowska, J. (2021). „‘Nie jestem twoim Murzynem’: krytyka przedstawienia relacji rasowych w filmie Zgadnij, kto przyjdzie na obiad[“I am not your Negro”: A Critique of Race Relations in the Film Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner]. In A. Pochmara (Ed.). Mistrzowie Literatury Amerykańskiej: James Baldwin. (pp. 195-222). Warszawa: University of Warsaw Press.

Wierzchowska, J. (2021). “’My body is your vehicle’: The Transgenerational Bond in Janine Antoni’s Art.” In M. D. Ravenscroft, B. Hughes, Ch. Dann and P. G. Nixon (Eds.). Talking Bodies III: Transformations, Movements and Expression. (pp. 189-214). Chester, UK: University of Chester.

Wierzchowska, J. (2020). “From Behind the Iron Curtain: The Image of the United States in Przekrój.” P. Rutkowski and J. Wierzchowska (Eds.). Texts, Images, Practices: Contemporary Perspectives on American, British and Polish Cultures. (pp. 45-62). New York: Peter Lang. 

Wierzchowska, J. (2019). “Kto się odważy zrewidować amerykański mit? Renegocjacja amerykańskiego kontraktu społecznego w miniserialu Kto się odważy.” In K. Olkusz (Ed.). Perspektywy ponowoczesności: Rejestry kultury, vol. IX. (pp. 467-480). Wrocław: Facta-Ficta. 

Wierzchowska, J. (2018). Empty Maternal: Simulating Maternal Care in Marina Abramović's The Artist is Present. In E. Joensuu & J. Lane (Eds.). Everyday World-Making: Toward an Understanding of Affect and Mothering. (pp. 103-130). Bradford, ON: Demeter Press.

Wierzchowska, J. (2017). "Publicizing Vulnerability: Motherhood and Affect in Joanna Rajkowska’s Post-2011 Art."  In V. Browne , A. Giorgio , E. Jeremiah & G. Rye (Eds.). Motherhood in Literature and Culture Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Europe. (pp. 153-168). New York: Routledge.

Wierzchowska, J. (2017). "Exploring Maternal Affective Investments: Mary Kelly's Post-Partum Document (1973-79) and the Material Narrative of Love."  In M. Gratzke & A. Malinowska (Eds.). The Materiality of Love: Essays on Affection and Cultural Practice. (pp. 163-176). New York and London: Routledge.

Wierzchowska, J. (2014). "Walter White bierze sprawy w swoje ręce. Amerykańskie mity a serialowa rzeczywistość klasy średniej w Breaking Bad."  In M. Cichmińska & A. Naruszewicz-Duchlińska (Eds.). Seriale w kontekście kulturowym: historia i polityka. (pp. 138-151). Olsztyn: Instytut Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie.

Wierzchowska, J. (2013). "Jabłko, węże i śmierć. Kara za prawdziwe męstwo, czyli o tym, co czeka dziewczynki, które zapuszczają się na zakazene terytorium."  In M. Paryż & A. Preis-Smith (Eds.). Amerykański western literacki w XX wieku. Między historią, fantazją a ideologią. (pp. 148-169 ). Warszawa: Czuły Barbarzyńca.


Wierzchowska, J. (2020). “‘Nurse! I want my mummy!’ Empathy as Methodology in A Two-Year-Old Goes to Hospital.” View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture, 26, 2020. DOI: 10.36854/widok/2020.26.2187.

Wierzchowska, J. (2018). "Love, Attachment and Effacement: Romantic Dimensions in Sylvia Plath's Children Poems."  International Journal of English Studies, 18, (pp. 19-33).

Pochmara-Ryżko, A. & Wierzchowska, J. (2017). "Notes on the Uses of Black Camp." Open Cultural Studies, 1 (pp. 696–700).

Wierzchowska, J. (2017). "Imaging, Desiring, Remembering Home: Home as a Locus of Meaning in the Works of Mary Kelly." Polish Journal for American Studies, 11 (pp. 73-84).

Pochmara-Ryżko, A. & Wierzchowska, J. (2017). "Nobody Knows My Name: The Masquerade of Mourning in the Early 1980s Artistic Productions of Michael Jackson and Prince." Open Cultural Studies, 1 (pp. 628–645).

Wierzchowska, J. (2015). "Narrating Motherhood as Experience and Institution: Experimental Life-Writing in Mary Kelly’s Post-Partum Document (1973–79)." Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, 50 (pp. 111-126).

Wierzchowska, J. (2015). "Performing the Return of the Repressed: Krzysztof Wodiczko’s Artistic Interventions in New York City's Public Space." European Journal for American Studies, 10.

Older publications can be found on the complete list in PBN


Dr hab. Justyna Wierzchowska is Associate Professor at the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw. She holds MA degrees in American Studies and Philosophy, and a PhD and habilitacja degree in American Studies. She is the author of The Absolute and the Cold War: Discourses of Abstract Expressionism (2011), co-editor of In Other Words: Dialogizing Postcoloniality, Race, and Ethnicity (2012) and the special issue of Open Cultural Studies titled On Uses of Black Camp (2018) and of Texts, Images, Practices: Contemporary Perspectives on American, British and Polish Cultures (2020). She is currently working on two interrelated books Related for Life: Mothering in Contemporary Art and Self-Writing: Critical Theory after World War II. They are part of the research project Vulnerable Subjects: Relationality and the Primary Bond in Contemporary Culture and Critical Theory. Prof. Wierzchowska is a recipient of the Fulbright Commission Senior Scholar Award for the academic year 2019-20 and the Bekker Scholarship for the year 2022-23 to do research at New York University. Her research interests are in motherhood studies, affect theory, psychoanalysis and attachment theory, contemporary visual art, feminist art, socially-engaged and critical art. She teaches courses in Philosophy, History of American art, Feminist art, and Cultural studies. She translates into Polish American modern fiction and art-related books.