dr Lucyna Krawczyk-Żywko

Department of British Culture

assistant professor

Room number: 3.515

Phone: +48 (22) 5531412

email: lucyna.krawczyk@uw.edu.pl


  Office hours: retake session 22/23
Tuesday 11:30-13:00
dr Lucyna Krawczyk-Żywko


M.A., University of Warsaw, 2004

Ph.D., University of Warsaw, 2010

Research interests and projects

  • adaptations
  • current perception of the Victorian era, Neo-Victorianism
  • Victorian villains and detectives, historic and fictional, in popular culture
  • the Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper narratives

Selected publications


Krawczyk-Żywko, L. (Ed.)  (2017). Victorian Detectives in Contemporary Culture: Beyond Sherlock Holmes. Palgrave Macmillan.

Krawczyk-Żywko, L. (Ed.)  (2015). Exploring History: British Culture and Society 1700 to the Present. Essays in Honour of Professor Emma Harris. Peter Lang.

Krawczyk-Żywko, L. and Dorota Babilas (Eds.)  (2013). We the Neo-Victorians: Perspectives on Literature and Culture. Instytut Anglistyki UW.



Krawczyk-Żywko, L. (2023). "Paratextual Authenticity and Fossilised Framing: Visual Memory of the 1888 Whitechapel Victims." B. Błaszkiewicz, M. Błaszkiewicz, P. Rutkowski (Eds.). The Art of Cultural Memory. (pp. 123-137). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Krawczyk-Żywko, L. (2019). "The Hunt is On: Inter- and Paratextuality of The Autobiography of Jack the Ripper." Grażyna Bystydzieńska and Emma Harris (Eds.). From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria. Readings in 18th and 19th century British Literature and Culture. (pp. 189-197). Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.

Krawczyk-Żywko, L. (2018). "Neo-Victorian Revisions of Inspector Abberline: From Hell & Ripper Street."  S. Butler i A. Sienkiewicz-Charlish (Eds.). Crime Fiction. A Critical Casebook. (pp. 197-209). Berlin: Peter Lang.

Krawczyk-Żywko, L. (2017). "Read (and Watch) All About It: Reporting the Ripper Murders in The Lodger and Its Screen Adaptations." G. Bystydzieńska (Eds.). Gothic, Sensation, Detection. (pp. 131-143). Warszawa: Pracownia "Ośrodek Studiów Brytyjskich" Instytut Anglistyki UW.

Krawczyk-Żywko, L. (2016). "(Re)Presenting Detective Inspector Whicher".G. Bystydzieńska i E. Harris (Eds.). From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria. Readings in 18th and 19th century British Literature and Culture. Vol. 5. (pp. 227-235). Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, Instytut Anglistyki - Pracownia "Ośrodek Studiów Brytyjskich".



Krawczyk-Żywko, L. (2022). "Transtemporality and Transmemory in Beforeigners: Or, 'Jack the Ripper has timeigrated', Again". Neo-Victorian Studies, Vol. 14 No. 1 (pp. 190-211).

Krawczyk-Żywko, L. (2021). "The Comfort of Crime: The Appeal of Formulaic Fiction during the Pandemic". Litteraria Copernicana, Vol. 3 No. 39: Powieść kryminalna (pp. 13-22).

Krawczyk-Żywko, L. (2018). "On Waxworks Considered as One of the Hyperreal Arts: Exhibiting Jack the Ripper and His Victims". Humanities, 7, Special Issue "The Victorian Art of Murder" (n.p. ).

Krawczyk-Żywko, L. (2017). "Time Travelling with Jack the Ripper on Page and Screen". Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies, 26 (pp. 207-220).

Krawczyk-Żywko, L. (2016). "A Study in Four Colours: The Case of the Chameleon Detective". Victoriographies – A Journal of Nineteenth-Century Writing, 1790-1914, 6 (pp. 25-41).

Krawczyk-Żywko, L. (2016). "Looking Backward, Going Forward? The Abominable Bride and Fan F(r)iction". Acta Philologica, 49 (pp. 331-339).

Older publications can be found on the complete list in PBN



From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria: Readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture – IA UW, biennially since 2007

Neo-Victorian Cultures: The Victorians Today – Liverpool John Moores University, 2013

Crime Fiction – Here and There and Again – Uniwersytet Gdański, 2014,

Crime Fiction Here and There: Time and Space – Uniwersytet Gdański, 2016

Warsaw Literary Meeting 5: Mystery – Terror – The Supernatural – the Sensational in 18th- and 19th- Century Britain – IA UW, 2016

Seriale w kontekście kulturowym – UWM, 2016

Postać w kulturze wizualnej – UWM, 2017

Captivating Criminality 2: Crime Fiction, Traditions and Transgressions – Bath Spa University, 2015

Captivating Criminality 4: Crime Fiction: Detection, Public and Private, Past and Present – Bath Spa University, 2017

Captivating Criminality 9: Intersections of Crime and the Gothic – The International Crime Fiction Association and the Gothic in Asia Association, 2023

Ars Culturae Memoriae/The Art Of Cultural Memory - IA UW, 2022

The Futures of Crime: Exploring the evolving terrain of crime fiction - Queen’s University Belfast & University of Wolverhampton, 2022

Framing (Serial) Killing: Changing Narratives - UW & USz, 2022



coordinator of the From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria research group

organiser of the Framing (Serial) Killing: Changing Narratives conference



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